Basic informations

When:September 26 – 27, 2024
Where:Hotel Yasmin, Tyršovo nábrežie 1, 040 01
Organizers: AGEL ACADEMY Educational,
Scientific and Research Institute AGEL NPO,
Hospital AGEL Košice-Šaca Ltd.
The congres will be held under the authority of:
  • Chairman of the Board of Directors of AGEL Ltd. Ing. Michal Pišoja, MPH, LL.M.
  • Vice chairperson of the Board of Directors of AGEL Ltd. MUDr. Marie Marsová, MBA, LL.M.
  • Medical director of AGEL SK doc. MUDr. Andrea Kalavská, PhD.
  • Director of the Educational, Scientific and Research Institute AGEL NPO PhDr. RNDr. Andrej Kováč, PhD. MPH
  • General director of Hospital AGEL Košice-Šaca Ltd. MUDr. Pavol Rusnák, MBA
  • Rector of UPJŠ in Košice prof. MUDr. Daniel Pella, PhD.
  • Dean of UPJŠ LF in Košice prof. MUDr. Peter Jarčuška, PhD.
  • President of the Slovak Orthopedic and Traumatological Society SLS prof. MUDr. Milan Kokavec, PhD., MPH
Professional guarantee and scientific coordinator: MUDr. Peter Polan, PhD., MPH
Organizational and technical security: Educational, Scientific and Research Institute AGEL NPO
phone.: +421 903 501 013
email: [email protected]

The Congress is intended for orthopedic surgeons, traumatologists and sports physicians who are interested in arthroscopy and sports medicine.

The main topics of the Congress are knee arthroscopy with a focus on modern trends in the treatment of menisci, cartilage, multiligamentous injuries. The second block of lectures will focus on arthroscopic shoulder surgery, with special attention to shoulder instabilities and rotator cuff injuries. The final block of lectures will be devoted to wrist and elbow, where, in addition to arthroscopic surgery, we will also present new trends in the treatment of elbow and wrist injuries.

Congress is inteded for: Orthopedic surgeons, traumatologists and sports physicians who are interested in arthroscopy and sports medicine.
Credits: The congress is included in the continuous medical education of the ARS CME
Online registration Registration form
Online registration possible until August 30, 2024
On-site registration: Registration at the day of the event, 8:00 – 09:00 AM
V prípade otázok, prosíme, kontaktujte

MUDr. Viktor Tobákoš
e-mail: [email protected],
phone: +421 907 319 000